Awesome post Duncan!!
No Apologies
JoinedPosts by No Apologies
A Visit from great Uncle Jehovah
by Duncan ini remember walking home that night.
by the time i left school, it was already getting dark, and i decided to walk through the town centre and wander round the shops.
i took in all the christmas decorations and lights and colours.
Evil slaving at District Conventions.
by avishai inanyone plan on clowning these fools at their conventions?
i don't necessarily mean shouting, holding placards, etc.
but i do mean putting evidence of their covering up child molesting around.
No Apologies
I would like to go buy some blank checks made for computer printers. Run them through the printer with some kind of message like "no money for pedophiles" or similar. Then attend the convention in dub mode, drop as many as I can into contribution boxes.
Feel free to use this tactic.
"Protect Your Children" gets international recognition
by Spudinator in.
this will be of interest to all:.
No Apologies
Me too!!!!!
I am writing to protest your awarding a prize to the Watchtower Society for their video entitled Protect Your Children. Many International news organizations have publicized the problems this organization is having with accusations of protecting child molesters. They continue to deny these allegations. This video is part of an ongoing attempt by them to whitewash over the real problem they have within their organization. For your group to give them recognition like this only serves as more propaganda.
In the future I would hope you do more research before nominating a group for any kind of award like this.
work: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
home: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx -
Silentlambs Update: Paul Berry and Sweden
by blondie inpaul berry.
today we received this comment/email of allegations regarding paul berry, it.
appears brother berry may have a few problems, we were able to contact this.
No Apologies
Can anyone tell us what kind of laws Sweden has on slander/libel. I would think Anders has a pretty good case here.
I continue to be amazed at the depths this organization will stoop to in a hopeless effort to dig themselves out of the very deep hole they seem to be in. ("We'll dig ourselves out!")
Nice to see that the TV show did a follow-up, and that at least one newspaper editor can see through the smoke and mirrors.
"Protect Your Children" gets international recognition
by Spudinator in.
this will be of interest to all:.
No Apologies
What makes you think they are paying anything to get these clips run? I think they are probably getting the stations to run them for free, since they are PSAs.
Its incredible how receiving awards and recognition from worldly sources is now touted as a good thing. I seem to remember someone, not sure who it was, who said: "Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
Guess that doesn't apply anymore.
I saw a JW Elder at X-Men 2 Movie this weekend!!
by WingCommander ini nearly fell off my seat.
this 30ish jw elder came strolling in the movie theater with his wife and a huge tub of pop corn in his arm to watch x-men 2: xmen united.
i couldn't believe the hypocrasy.........they teach not to even watch much tv, much less go to a movie.
No Apologies
Gotta agree in part with pork chop. I know many elders that enjoy Star Wars, Star Trek, James Bond etc. Anything PG-13 is basically legit, with the notable exception of say, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter which were mentioned by name repeatedly, simply because maybe too many witnesses would look at the rating and say, must be ok. Is this being hypcritical? Maybe... But it would take a pretty anal elder to come down on someone for going to one of these films. Most elders wouldn't give it a second thought, regardless of what is said in the Watchtower.
JW scientist banned from Institute's WebSite because of Creationistic Views
by GermanXJW inrecently, dr. wolf-ekkehard loennig, a jw working in a leading position at the gene-science-department at the max-planck-institute, has been banned from the institute's website for spreading his view about evolution.
he promotes the so called "intelligents design".
max-planck-institute calles this creationism in disguise.
No Apologies
Thank you for expressing what I somehow was incapable of putting into words!
JW scientist banned from Institute's WebSite because of Creationistic Views
by GermanXJW inrecently, dr. wolf-ekkehard loennig, a jw working in a leading position at the gene-science-department at the max-planck-institute, has been banned from the institute's website for spreading his view about evolution.
he promotes the so called "intelligents design".
max-planck-institute calles this creationism in disguise.
No Apologies
Valis, rem
I am not sure what comment of Ed's you are talking about. He started out comparing the attitude of some scientist types with some religous leaders, in his opinion. Opinions are based on perception, and there is no right or wrong. So where exactly did he go over the line? I am going back and reading his posts, and I don't see it.
What is your point? I am not following you at all. Of course there is a difference between an informed opinion and an uninformed opinion. There is still no reason to call names over it. You seem to know quite a bit about what I know and don't know, btw. Exactly what uninformed opinion are we talking about anyway?
JW scientist banned from Institute's WebSite because of Creationistic Views
by GermanXJW inrecently, dr. wolf-ekkehard loennig, a jw working in a leading position at the gene-science-department at the max-planck-institute, has been banned from the institute's website for spreading his view about evolution.
he promotes the so called "intelligents design".
max-planck-institute calles this creationism in disguise.
No Apologies
I think my point is clear. You came off in your reply as elitist and condescending in your reply to Ed. The scientific method works well, but it is totally dependant on the people using it. Get a clue, scientists are human, they are not gods, and they do not have all the answers. I have no more time for their arrogance than I do for religous types who also claim to have some type of superiority.
Feel free to respond with more name-calling.
JW scientist banned from Institute's WebSite because of Creationistic Views
by GermanXJW inrecently, dr. wolf-ekkehard loennig, a jw working in a leading position at the gene-science-department at the max-planck-institute, has been banned from the institute's website for spreading his view about evolution.
he promotes the so called "intelligents design".
max-planck-institute calles this creationism in disguise.
No Apologies
Gee rem and AlanF, thanks for showing Ed the error of his ways. How silly for a non-scientist to express an opinion on a science-related subject. I'm sure your elitist condescending tone will serve as a warning to others.